Rose Witch

Welcome sweet visitor, to Rose Witch, the TAFL approved fanlisting for the mysterious Rose Bride, Himemiya Anthy of Ikuhara Kunihiko's magnum opus, Shoujo Kakumei Utena. On the outside, Anthy is a shy student who takes care of the rose garden, the younger sister of the acting chairman of Ohtori Academy...but in reality she is a much older, much more complex person with a history soaked with both tragedy and blood. If you are a fan of this enigmatic flower, please do consider adding your name to the list of her fans!

You are viewing version 1 of Rose Witch, a fountain of blood (in the shape of a girl), named for a lyric in Björk's "Bachelorette", which is an Anthy song to an absolute fault. This layout should be viewable on both desktop and mobile devices, but if it isn't displaying for you, please feel free to take a screenshot and send it off to me, and I'll attempt to fix it!